Admission Agreements
Ensuring that admission agreements are complete and current helps to maintain communication and mutual understanding between providers and residents. A March 2017 Legal Update by Hanson Bridgett recommends that RCFE admission agreements contain certain provisions, some of which are specifically required by law or regulation.
Among other provisions and requirements, the admission agreement should include:
- A preamble
- A description of premises and services
- Provisions relating to term, termination, and payments
- Property rights
- dementia care units or buildings
- Other legal requirements
In addition, a copy of the resident handbook should be included with the admission agreement. Resident handbooks are inherently community-specific; however, resident handbooks typically contain:
- The community’s House Rules
- General community information
- Policies regarding gifts or tips to staff members
- Provisions regarding maintenance and physical plant
- Provisions regarding emergency procedures
- Information regarding meals
- Information about resident and/or family councils
- A list of community resources and contact information
- Information on parking or motorized cart use
- Pet policies