Planned Safety Power Shutoffs

To prevent the danger of wildfires in California, utilities are conducting planned safety power shutoffs (PSPS). Visit your utility company’s website for more info and to sign up for alerts. PG&E allows non-account holders to sign up for zip code alerts. Here are links to PSPS pages from the three largest companies:

If your community loses power due to a PSPS, the Department of Social Services encourages a courtesy notification to your local regional office*. All local regional offices have e-mail addresses which can be remotely accessed—click here for a list.

Planning for a PSPS

Here are some resources that provide basic safety tips and what to do before, during, and after a power outage:

For resources to prepare for other types of emergencies, visit CALA’s Types of Emergencies  webpage.

* In the case of specified incidents/occurrences, such as injuries, illnesses, or deaths related to the public safety power shutoff, licensees are required to notify to their local regional office.